July 7, 2015

What to Know Before Buying a Granite Countertop

The kitchen is the communication hub of your family’s home. Whether your family is relaxed and laid back or follows a hectic schedule that keeps you
June 29, 2015

The Top 4 Types of Home Renovations to Boost Your Home’s Value

A common phrase used in real estate investing is “Fix it and Flip It.” This concept is that is directly behind the idea of purchasing the
June 22, 2015

Getting a Return on Your Investment When Renovating

For anyone who has ever embarked on a home renovation the question that lingers the most is “Will I get my money back when this home
June 15, 2015

How to Make the Most out of Your Counter Space When Entertaining

In a smaller kitchen there is a constant battle for space. In reality, no matter how large the kitchen is people generally want more; sometimes the
June 8, 2015

Choosing the Perfect Flooring for your Kitchen

Your kitchen has many uses. Many times it will double as a place to entertain friends or family for dinner, or it will serve as a
June 1, 2015

15 Reasons to Use Granite in Your Home

People use granite in a wide range of design elements within their homes. It could be a countertop in a kitchen or bathroom. Or they might
May 25, 2015

10 reasons to swap out your laminate counter for granite

Kitchen countertops have come a long way since your grandma’s era. In , everyone had laminate countertops; they were the absolute rage in kitchens all over
May 18, 2015

How To Pick The Perfect Granite Slab For Your Home

When it comes to decorating any home, most homeowners put a lot of time and effort into choosing their décor. When it comes to the granite
May 11, 2015

4 Ways to Make Your Bathroom Vanity Gorgeous

Your bathroom is generally the busiest room in your home. It is especially busy early in the morning when the family is running around trying to

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